Wednesday, November 29, 2006


We're planning on having photo Christmas cards this year. This one has my vote.
Yes, I said Christmas, not Seasons greeting, not Holiday but Christmas. I like Christmas. I like Santa Claus. I like finding the perfect present.
If you don't celebrate Christmas, that's cool and if you want to wish me a happy Chanukah or Kwanza or Joyous Solstice or whatever you observe I'm happy to receive it. But I am not now nor do I ever think I will pass as "Politically Correct".

Sorry about that.

"Uncle Steve! Uncle Steve! Can I help? Please! Please!"

"I'm helping my Uncle Steve!"

"Daddy, what are all those good smells?"

Thanksgiving dinner. This was the first time the girls have had dinner with the rest of the family. It was so much fun and I swear that Mel was about 3 pounds heaver the next morning.

They (and we lol) had roast turkey, dressing (Mel, Libby and I anyway...Seems I married into a "stuffing family" but they baked some stuffing for me which I shared), peas, mashed taters, mock mashed potatoes (made with califlower), mashed parsnips (which the girls just LOVED), baked pearl onions and yeast rolls. I know I forgot something, but I was too busy putting food on Mel's tray (oh yes, the girls fed themselves!)

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Giving of Thanks

I have so many things to be thankful for. A beautiful wife, 2 fantastically beautiful and intelligent girls. This has been the best year of my life.

Mel is doing her darndest to walk and Libby is beginning to crawl.

Nana got to feed the girls breakfast on our 1st full day in California.

I'm not sure how gets more out of me getting down on the floor and playing with Mel and Libby. I think it may be a tie.

Then again I might be wrong ;)

Shoes are baby magnets. Trust me on this. This shoe belongs to my niece Angelina.

Nana and Granpa live on a bay. the girls got almost daily strolls.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Big News, Pics to follow (I Hope)

Today at about 6:04 am Mel WALKED for the 1st time! We were all in the nursery, Mel was standing, holding on to Mommy's Robe when Mel decided that she wanted to go see Daddy and let go of Mommy and took 3 steps before falling into my arms.

My Life is ever so much more fun now.

3:10 pm PST: Not to be out done, Libby figured out today how to sit up by herself. A major accomplishment , as Libby has a larger than normal head (just like Daddy) and it's been making her too top heavy.

As these photos show, she has a very unorthodox style but it works for her :)