Why is my life suddenly in Fast Forward?
The weather in Oregon is powered by a random number generator, I've come to believe. One day rainy and cold, the next sunny and warm(ish). We go to the park sometimes on those days. Mel just LOVES the swing. She would live in one if we let her I think.
Libby, on the other hand,
prefers running and climbing (both up and down). She likes the swing but usually wants to slide (or as the girls call it, go WEEEEEEEEE!).
Mel is getting to the place that riding on Daddy's shoulder is great fun. It makes Libby uncomfortable however.
One weekend when Nana and Poppa were up to visit, Sue heard that the temps were going to be in the 50's and decided that a picnic was in order. In the Morning. In Oregon. In the Winter. I decided to stay home and work on Nana's computer. Two hours later, everyone was home, very cold, but happy to have gone to a new park. This is the "at home" picnic. It did reach the low 50's that day, around 4 pm.
The girls and I (sometimes Mommy gets in on the fun) have been passing cold germs back and forth for a month or so now. This photo and the next are from the 1st go round of the bug.
Oh, we have a brand new couch now, it's very comfortable as the girls are showing here.
We have been trying our hand at crafts now. The girls love Play-doh (or paydough as Mel says). Mellie would rather tear it apart than make anything, so she is more into the texture phase.
Libby, on the other hand tries to make things, with Daddy's help she can make Peas and plates and a cup and snakes.
I am so proud that we are raising such polite, clean eaters.
For being Two, that is.
"Now where did I put that spoon?"
Pity Libby is not a fan of pancakes and homemade strawberry sauce,
Libby and Mel are really into coloring. Hardly a day goes by that they don't color. Their favorite color is Blue. Of course, at the moment, every color is "blue" or "green". They know the names of the primary and some secondary colors, but haven't quite mastered the knack of matching name and color yet. But they will soon.
Easter, 2008
The year the girls discover Easter baskets.
And Chocolate.
Did I mention that they discovered chocolate?
did I mention, oh never mind.
They also discover hunting for Easter eggs. Last year Daddy found some "Willy Wonka anti-gravity" eggs. So Melly found one stuck to the door.
"Mommy may I have some more chocolate?"
"Thank you. "
It took some doing, but I managed to get a picture of Nana and Poppa and Mel and Libby all facing the same direction.
Going into Easter I kept up saying that I didn't want the girls to have too much sugar and chocolate for Easter. Sue didn't believe the stories.
Once we finally got the girls down for naps, an exhausted Sue looked at me and said "Ok, you were right and I was wrong."
Not that it was a contest or anything. LOL.
This is the new laundry hamper for the girls clothes. Or it will be once Mellie gets back from the moon in it.
Whew! That was a lot of photos & info! Thanks!
Boy, the girls are looking so grown-up!
Love their Easter dresses!
It's so nice to be able to see pictures of the girls. You're all looking great.
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