Monday, May 12, 2008

How did it get to be almost the middle of May? Oh, yeah.....

"Look Mommy I dressed myself!"

"Look Mommy I dressed myself and I have string! Willow No string."

You may be able to see that Libby has had her "First Haircut".

Libby has decided in the last couple of days that her bath towel is now her security blanket. She can't go anywhere without it. I wonder what happened?

"I'm the Frog Princess!! Happened a couple of days ago."

"Come my tadpole minions! We must conquer the world, or at least the living room."

This is the year for home maintenance and improvement. We were in the backyard and discovered that the house paint was peeling something awful, so now we have a freshly painted house. With Oregon spring time weather, it took the painters a bit over 6 weeks to do a 8-10 day job. It's really nice, tho.

More on the Improvement part later.

Mel also had her "First Haircut". Hers is more of a Page boy cut and it is so cute on her!

The weather is getting better and we can play in the yard more often. If the forecast holds, we may be playing under the sprinkler by the end of the week.

And Daddy may be able to tame the thicket that our back yard has become. *SIGH*

Mel: Plane!
Libby: Willow drink?

I don't think a caption is really needed here, do you?

"Yep, this is a mighty fine batch of moonshine, er, milk."


At Tuesday, May 27, 2008 8:29:00 AM , Blogger Tina said...

Yeah - gotta love this Oregon weather!

Connor keeps sending me out into the garden so I can pull weeds away from his strawberry plants. He'll eat them as they get ripe (he used to eat them before they got ripe!).

We are trying to work on the yard this year...

At Tuesday, May 27, 2008 3:04:00 PM , Blogger Rocky said...

We're trying to work on the yard, falling further behind by the day, it seems. I'm happy to get the grass under waist height in the back yard.....


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