Wednesday, September 19, 2007

These are the words we know!

The girls have really been picking up a lot of words lately (seems like at least 1 a day of late). What they lack in pronunciation they make up for in excitement ;)
Here is a (partial) list, with definitions (most of which Sue and I are "pretty sure" are right.

Poppy/Puppy--any non-human animal
Shhh(uu)--Shoe (usually means I want to wear shoes NOW!!!)
Lill-o--Willow (the doggie)
WOW--I just discovered something really cool (ex. when Libby discovered snails for the 1st time)
Baba--context based usually means Bottle sometimes means Granpa.
E-I-E-I--Please play "Old McDonald's Farm" on the See-N-Say
Pa(sometimes Par)--Park
WEEEEEEE--a playground slide
Nana-- well, Nana
Uh-Oh--Dearest Father/Mother, something is not as it is supposed to be. Please be so kind as to fix it. (Usually it's a gate or door not closed as it usually is, or anything else that is out of place--sadly, toys on the floor don't qualify lol)
Dank-u--Thank you
-- I need your attention and I am in too much of a hurry to remember the right name.
Wha-der--(I need a drink of) Water.
Apbee--(May I have an ) Apple (to eat) {Actually, can be most any fruit)
Ice--(I want some crushed) Ice (to eat)
-- I have to go Potty
Yeah-Yeah-- Yes Yes, usually used when they konw a response is needed, but they don't really know what we're asking
-- I want eggs to eat
--Look! Look! or a Bird or a puppy (they are barking like doggies)
Tika-Tika--Tickle Tickle

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

big girl news!

Well, we had an unexpected milestone this evening!! Melanie went pee-pee in the potty! TWICE!!

They have had a little potty in our bathroom for months, and have been sitting on it sometimes. Also Rocky and I have been excusing ourselves to go "potty". Mel has been saying potty for a few weeks, and over the past few days she has been grabbing her diaper and saying potty. A few days ago I took her into the potty and sat her on it, without any results. Tonight she did that, I took her in there,sat her on the potty and pottied myself, explaining myself. She stood up after a minute and looked in the potty, and looked suprised. She had peed!! We then took the insert out of the potty, poured the urine in the toilet, and said byebye, and flushed! She then did the same thing a few minutes later, and I took her back, not expecting anything, and she pee'd again!! We did our goodbye thing, and she was so tickled with herself!! She wants to sit on it all the time!!

Just thought I would share this big girl step, can you believe she is only 20 months old!! WOW...
Of course Melly has not liked having her diaper changed for a long time, and often pitches a fit during the change.

Libby enjoys having her diaper changed, and asks frequently for her diaper to be changed. She has been uncomfortable with a dirty diaper for a couple of months. I had been thinking this would mean that she would be the first to use the potty. We now know that we are going to have to have two kids potties... Libby was heartbroken she couldn't sit on the potty too especially after Melly got such an excited response!

Boy, these kids are remarkable!!

The Potty (Baby Bjorn Potty Chair) has been ordered and will ship "Real Soon Now". Gotta Love Babies R Us.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

new Photos!