Photos old and new(ish)
This is a photo of
me with Dad taken yearly 1957 I would guess. Don't I look a lot like Mel?
This is my Mom and Dad on their wedding day. I think. I wasn't there ;) I hadn't been aware that this photo even existed. This would be Sometime in May 1955 (I think). I was born some 16-18 months later.
This is my Mom. From the clothing, I'm guessing that this is my Sister Kate. She was born in November, 1957.
I'm guessing mid to late '60s for this photo. Pictured are Aunt Vivian (Mom's younger sister), Uncle Joe, Diane, my younger cousin Pam, my cousin Craig, and my maternal Grandparents. It must have been a great day, I don't ever remember my Granddaddy and Grandma being as happy as they were in this photo.
Ok, now some random photos from christmas time to the near present......
"You are the funniest doggie I have ever seen"
"Am I cute or what?"
"Is this how I use the toothbrush? Wanna you mean this is a spoon?"
"I think I see the problem. It's a box, not a spaceship."
"Ready or not, here I come."
"What color is purple, again?"
"Piggy, you are my bestest friend."
"Who put that wall there?"
"Wake up Libby. I wanna play and all Daddy is doing is taking pictures."
"The Queen of the toy box surveys her Queendom."
Mel and Libby climbing stairs.....