Monday, October 30, 2006

NICU Reunion

Every year around Halloween, The Sacred Heart NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) has a reunion of everyone (and their Families) that have been under their care. Yesterday was the 21st one (and the girls 1st).

We have been planning on going ever since the nurses told us about it when we were in NICU.

Nana had found these cute Halloween onies and Sue made pants and capes for the girls.

The girls weren't quite sure what to make of all of it (and it was a LONG day, what with the time change and all) but everyone had a good time. We got to see some of our favorite nurses and have our picture taken with Tigger ;)

Oh, and the girls discovered Helium Ballons!

If you have a baby, BUY THIS BOOK!!!!!

First off, The only thing I get out of this is knowing I've helped someone else ;)

The Girls have been sleeping through the night since they were 3 months old. That's when I started using this book.

I'm not talking 6 hours a night I mean 8-9-10 hours plus naps.

Why the author hasn't won a nobel prize or been made a saint beats me. LOL.

If you are a new parent or know a new parent or need a baby shower present, THIS is the "must have" gift.

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Quick Update

Sue has made it home safe and mostly sound (She's exhausted and has (so far) a mild cold). I and the Girls are SO happy to have her home.

Monday, October 09, 2006

What I did on my summer vacation (er, while Sue was out of town)

It's now Monday and Sue is due back tonight. While we ALL miss her, I'm proud to say that I managed to survive pretty darn well. Even if I am exhausted, its nice to know that I can take care of the girls (short term) by myself.

We even managed to make a couple trips (once to Wal-mart and yesterday we went out for coffee and the Sunday paper.

But the really big news is, that after 15+ years, I called up and talked to my Dad. It was probably one of our better conversations. Ever.

It's going to be nice that Libby and Mel will be able to know my side of the family.

More Later.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Three is a magic number

Early this morning (3:30 am AKA Oh-Dark-30) I kissed Sue (AKA Twin's Mom) goodbye as she lunged her suitcase to the car to head out to Eugene to catch a flight to Kingsport, TN. She and her mom (AKA Twin's NANA) are going to visit her mom (AKA Twin's Great-GrandMa) for a few days.
So far, the girls (AKA Da Twins) and I have had a great time, we've slept in (all the way to 6:15 am!) had "baby finger food" for breakfast (cauliflower, tofu, steamed carrots, toast squares)

I'm not worried (much) about be2ing left with the girls (I have a couple of back ups in place) as it's really only a few extra "awake hours" with them. Sue will be back monday night.

More later!