Brave Brave Girls
The girls had their 4 month "well baby" check up today. My, have they grown! The new stats:
14 lbs 11 oz
23 5/8" long
16" head Diameter
4 months:
weight: 62
length: 18
head: 29
3 month (corrected)
weight: 86
length: 47
head: 55
14 lbs 3 oz
23 1/2" long
16 1/2" head Diameter
4 months:
weight: 55
length: 12
head: 66
3 month (corrected)
weight: 79
length: 37
head: 84
The brave part? They had the 4 month round of shots, 2 shots in each thigh. They cried, but they never tried to squirm or kick or tried to get away.