These are the words we know!
The girls have really been picking up a lot of words lately (seems like at least 1 a day of late). What they lack in pronunciation they make up for in excitement ;)
Here is a (partial) list, with definitions (most of which Sue and I are "pretty sure" are right.
Poppy/Puppy--any non-human animal
Shhh(uu)--Shoe (usually means I want to wear shoes NOW!!!)
Lill-o--Willow (the doggie)
WOW--I just discovered something really cool (ex. when Libby discovered snails for the 1st time)
Baba--context based usually means Bottle sometimes means Granpa.
E-I-E-I--Please play "Old McDonald's Farm" on the See-N-Say
Pa(sometimes Par)--Park
WEEEEEEE--a playground slide
Nana-- well, Nana
Uh-Oh--Dearest Father/Mother, something is not as it is supposed to be. Please be so kind as to fix it. (Usually it's a gate or door not closed as it usually is, or anything else that is out of place--sadly, toys on the floor don't qualify lol)
Dank-u--Thank you
Mama/Dada-- I need your attention and I am in too much of a hurry to remember the right name.
Wha-der--(I need a drink of) Water.
Apbee--(May I have an ) Apple (to eat) {Actually, can be most any fruit)
Ice--(I want some crushed) Ice (to eat)
Pah-tee-- I have to go Potty
Yeah-Yeah-- Yes Yes, usually used when they konw a response is needed, but they don't really know what we're asking
Egg-- I want eggs to eat
Ah-AH--Look! Look! or a Bird or a puppy (they are barking like doggies)
Tika-Tika--Tickle Tickle