The Girls have been doing so many cool things lately that it's hard to write anything or know where to even start. It's been a heck of a great time tho ;)
Let's see in the general movement category, Mel can sit up from just about any position, Libby is just beginning to sit up (with help). Both girls can scooch across the floor.
Mel can crawl (and doesn't THAT make my life ever-so-much-more-interesting?) AND she can pull herself up to standing, a skill she practices on anything that will stand still long enough for her to pull on (Including Mommy, Daddy and Willow)and can hold on to Mommy/Daddy and take a couple of steps). Mel also was the first to get a tooth.
Miss Libby, on the other hand, has the greater range of vocal skills, the better (in my opinion) hand/foot control, and has TWO teeth, with number 3 not very far behind. Hard to believe that they are already 9 months old.
Sue and I have been checking our books, making sure both girls are on track, making all their "milestones", so far as a team, they have hit pretty much all of the advanced milestones, but Libby is a bit behind for 9 months, BUT way a head of her "term" date.
Interesting to see what the Doc says when we take them in next week.
Week 9 photo
MONTH 9 photo